As Seen in The Irish Times

Thanks to the kind folk in the Irish Times Magazine for including Sup in their weekly list of what’s hot in Ireland right now. (During the pandemic, they’ve ditched the what’s not hot part of this list, which is probably kinder and certainly a relief!). Thanks also to all the cast and crew (from The George) for putting in the effort – and thanks to you for joining us.

Hopefully, we’ll keep up the hot servings of supper, sounds and silliness for weeks to come!

Sup on Sundays

These are strange times and plans are hard to make and harder to keep. But I’m a creative girl and I’m determined to keep the show on the road. Actually, I’m keeping the show in the same place and I’m going to try to deliver it every Sunday for as long as we can.

I’m serving sounds, supper and your chance to win cash prizes and I’d love to see you there!

Promotional image for Sup with Shirley, which takes place every Sunday at Opium on Wexford Street.


Whassup everyone! It’s been a while… but I am delighted to announce that we can be together again soon. SUP is my socially-distant, safe but fun, bingo and drag show, sit-down supper club. It’s happening on Bank Holiday Sunday in opulent Opium on Wexford Street and it’s gonna be super!

All the details are here